Commanderie templière d'ArvilleCommanderie templière d'Arville
©Commanderie templière d'Arville|Nicolas Hutteau

The Arville Commandery

Travel back in time at the Arville Templar Commandery, one of the best preserved of France.

A lively evocation

of the history of the Templars

A lively evocation of the history of the Templars, the Arville Commandery buildings founded in the 12th century form a unique complex according to Régine Pernoud, a French historian of Medieval times.


the site

12th century Templar church, porch with two monumental towers, tithe barn, pigeon house, baker’s oven, stables from the 15th and 16th centuries, every single monument evokes the everyday life of those monastic knights before their departure to the Holy Land.

A center for both military enlisting and training, the Commandery was also an important place of production and economical activities to finance the crusades in the Holy Land. 

Outside, a botanical path along the wall leads to a medieval garden divided into four square beds of wild, useful, medicinal plants and vegetables. There are more than a hundred types of plants reflecting the medieval society, everyday life and belief…

Can be reserved online.

Idea !

For cyclists, follow the ” Templars circuit ” in the hilly region of the Perche.

We’ll give you an idea of what to expect on your bike!

Boucles à vélo en Perche Vendômois
Boucles à vélo en Perche Vendômois
Boucles à vélo en Perche Vendômois

Places to sleep ?
