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If you feel like being outside for a quiet moment, and are a beginner or confirmed fisherman, you can practice your favorite hobby by yourself or with friends…

You want to stay a few days in the Loir valley or in the Perche region in a hilly area criss-crossed by an abundance of little streams? Our region is for you!

On your own, or with family or friends, there are many places and lodgings labeled “Pêche where you can also enjoy the tourist treasures of our destination: “Châteaux et Belles Demeures”, museums, gardens, hiking or bicycle trips, guided visits or free tours.

And for beginners, the “Ateliers Pêche Nature” workshops are for you! New: on the AAPPMA of Thoré-Montoire

Their aim is to teach you how to practice fishing being autonomous and respectful of nature and of others.

Information and contact : Loir et Cher Fishing Federation

Truites pêche Loir et Cher
Truites pêche Loir et Cher
Truites pêche Loir et Cher

See you soon in the Loir Valley
