Img 8884 Zoom©Img 8884 Zoom|CPHVInvestigation at the foundry museumCap Decouvertes ©Cap Decouvertes |Cap DécouvertesA fun way to visit!at the Château de VendômeMusee Montoire 4.1 Productions 30©Musee Montoire 4.1 Productions 30|4.1 Productions-Territoires VendômoisMusikenfête MuseumShow Museum of traditional music!©L. Mary- Vendôme TourismeRandolandTchin Aper Haut Filetsllv©Tchin Aper Haut Filetsllv|Loisirs Loire ValleyLoisirs Loire ValleyThere's something for everyone!Plan d'eau Villiers-sur-Loir©Plan d'eau Villiers-sur-Loir|L. Mary- Vendôme TourismeThe recreation center of Villiers-sur-LoirNautical activity lovers, this lake is ideal for recharging your batteries!Train Touristique Vallee Du Loirotcpv Claude Defresne 98©Train Touristique Vallee Du Loirotcpv Claude Defresne 98|C.Defresne-Vendôme TourismeThe excursion train of the Loir valleyTchou, Tchou !Maryline Deniau Territoires Vendomois 6©Maryline Deniau Territoires Vendomois 6|M. Deniau- Vendôme TourismeLoup PerchéAtypical location in the heart of VendômeCircuit Guidigo Saint Firmin Des Prés©Circuit Guidigo Saint Firmin Des Prés|C.Gontier-Vendôme TourismeGuidigoA "nature" application for cyber-savvy children…©Commanderie d'ArvilleThe Arville CommanderyPlay being a knight to discover the history of the Templar Knights and the Crusades.